
Proxima Dragon

Proxima Dragon - Landing zone
· 70 years ago, Space probe Explorer -x launched from our planet, and went to Proxima to explore.
· In order to solve various burst situations in deep space explorationEngineers equipped the 4th generation advanced AI for Explorer -x.
· A few months after the probe landed, we got unprecedented valuable information about Proxima, including biology, environment, and even the local Proxima civilization.
· It is puzzling is that at Fourth months after landing, communications with Explorer-x ended.
· Proxima orbital satellite detected Explorer -x still runningand the Proxima civilization is evolving rapidly…

· Set up your base on Proxima, build farms and mines.
· Use your robot to build a logistics system.
· Feed the Proxima dragon, it will be the key to the mission.
· Create an Local army. 
· Destroy our war technology on planet Proxima.

